Man oh man I have been trying to get
Atalia down for a nap for 1 hour now. I'm losing my mind! Ever since that little stinker got her new toddler bed it's been hell. Some days she lays down and takes a nap fine. Other days she loves to see how many of my buttons she can push at the same time. Today...the number of buttons she pushed: ALL OF THEM! She used every excuse she could think of. Of course you have the " i have to potty" excuse. The funny thing is that she goes to the bathroom every single time! But before she does that she strips down naked and then tells me. Speaking of
stripping down naked. Did I tell you about how she pulled down her panties and pants in Sam's Club. Yes, kinda
embarrassing for me but she saw nothing wrong with it. Oh man, had to vent. I think she is finally laying down. Yeah right she is probably taking off all her clothes and rubbing
Hydrocortisone cream all over her body. Yes, she has done that before! I love the TERRIFIC two's as my mom would say. She is nuts, she for sure has Terrific and Terrible mixed up! Thanks for always keeping me on my toes Atalia!!