Friday, August 28, 2009

Daddy and Atalia Pictures

Look at me I'm way up high!

Daddy doing the airplane with me!!

Birthday Present

Jeremy and Atalia have been busy making me my birthday present. What a wonderful present it is. They went to "Clay Your Way" here in Fargo and painted a popcorn bowl for me. I love my popcorn and now I have my very own special bowl. How cool is that! What a great husband for taking his daughter to do something like this. I guess Atalia had a blast. Jeremy wouldn't tell me where he was taking Atalia one night so when they got home I asked her what they did. She told me she painted a star for me. So, I kind of had an idea but didn't know it was going to be this cool!

It says: Mom's Popcorn

Hands Off!!

Atalia's handprints are in the inside of the bowl, too cute!

Monday, August 24, 2009

I can't believe it!

Jeremy and I are officially "old". We traded are little SUV for a MINI-VAN! Yes, you read that correctly a mini-van. It was kind of a spur-of-the moment type deal. I had a meeting that got cancelled and so I drove through the car dealership. I spotted a mini-van that looked to be a great deal. The more I thought about it the idea of having a bigger vehicle wasn't such a bad idea. We do have another one coming and we bring our dog Sasha with us everywhere and come November we wouldn't all fit in the truck. We are still very shocked and look out our house window and say "holy buckets, we own a mini-van". It's kind of funny but so far we love it. We joined the mini-van club. Whoo hoo!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Oh my goodness this kid is not afraid of the water at all! However, she scares the bajeebers out of me. She had such a blast with daddy last night at swimming lessons. She was really showing off for Papa and Mamis. They drove 45 min one way to watch Atalia swim for 30 minutes. Is that love or what!! Here is a video of her going down the slide.

Monday, August 17, 2009

New "bump" picture

It feels more like a mountain but that's ok because I feel great. I really do enjoy being pregnant. I know I must be nuts! Now only if I could talk Jeremy into having more that 2 kids! I will have to work on that one.

2 year picture "sneak peaks"

Our photographer emailed me some "sneak peaks" of Atalia's photo shoot. Well, I guess I was wrong, there are a couple of good ones in there. I can't wait to see the rest of them!

1st Dentist Appointment

Her first dentist appointment didn't go as smoothly as her 1st hair appointment. I guess it probably wouldn't have went over so good to give her a sucker at the dentist. Ha! I know she is only 2 but the Dr. said it was good to get her to see a dentist to make sure we were brushing her teeth good and to get her used to the dentist office. So of course we did it! She didn't really like them digging in her mouth but we did find out that she only has 1 more molar to pop through so that's good.

1st Haircut

Ok, so it wasn't really a haircut but a trim. It was still a very big decision for us. We were afraid if we trimmed it that all of her cute bouncy curls were going to be gone forever. Atalia did great in the salon chair but refused to wear the coat that keeps all the hair off your back. Oh well! We did bribe her with a sucker for sitting still. Overall it was a success and she still has her curls! Yippy!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Nap Time Horror

Man oh man I have been trying to get Atalia down for a nap for 1 hour now. I'm losing my mind! Ever since that little stinker got her new toddler bed it's been hell. Some days she lays down and takes a nap fine. Other days she loves to see how many of my buttons she can push at the same time. Today...the number of buttons she pushed: ALL OF THEM! She used every excuse she could think of. Of course you have the " i have to potty" excuse. The funny thing is that she goes to the bathroom every single time! But before she does that she strips down naked and then tells me. Speaking of stripping down naked. Did I tell you about how she pulled down her panties and pants in Sam's Club. Yes, kinda embarrassing for me but she saw nothing wrong with it. Oh man, had to vent. I think she is finally laying down. Yeah right she is probably taking off all her clothes and rubbing Hydrocortisone cream all over her body. Yes, she has done that before! I love the TERRIFIC two's as my mom would say. She is nuts, she for sure has Terrific and Terrible mixed up! Thanks for always keeping me on my toes Atalia!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Baby Bump

Wow, I'm such a horrible mom this is the first picture I took of my belly. When I was pregnant with Atalia I swore I took one every month. Sorry new baby!

Picture Nightmare

Atalia had her 2 year pictures taken today. What a joke. She was the biggest stinker ever. I will be shocked if there are any pictures that turn out. The photographer spent an 1.5 hours with us and had some great photo shots. My favorite one was Atalia eating an ice cream cone.....can't wait to see the pictures. Wait Wait Wait!

Morning Hair

Check out Atalia's crazy morning hair. It took her all night to get it to look like this.